Friday, March 23, 2012

Santorum: 4 More Years Of Obama Better Than Romney

NOTE:  I had decided last week that it was time the GOP candidates stepped back and faced reality, and then step aside and allow the front-runner Romney to do what needs to be done to demonstrate to the voters that for America to win, we must stand with and behind Romney.  Time to stop the in-house debates and begin presenting the issues that the Obama administration has forced down our throats and gain back the White House after almost 4 years of terror.  Yes, "Terror"!  Obama's free reign of by-passing Congress and the US Constitution is a nightmare America cannot afford to allow continue one more day than necessary.  

This November's election is the most important election since the birth of our country - don't waste it!  

What Santorum said about Romney is spiteful.  His words will forever haunt him, as his careless speech has just sent him off the radar of ever becoming President - at least this time around.  His off-the-cuff remarks are childish and maybe he should just go eat a can of worms and get over it!
Joshua Pundit's comments (below) express what many of us are thinking: "Santorum, put the country first, put aside your ego, and step aside"!  

and I will add, that for America to survive, we will all need to "Plant our feet on higher ground".  Put aside our own personal daily trials, or ambitions and do what is best for future generations of America.

MARCH 23, 2012
Like I said previously, one of Rick Santorum's weaknesses is that he doesn't handle pressure well.

His latest, in response to a crushing loss in Illinois? That four more years of President Obama would be better than electing Mitt Romney.

“You win by giving people a choice. You win by giving people the opportunity to see a different vision for our country, not someone who’s just going to be a little different than the person in there. If you’re going to be a little different, we might as well stay with what we have instead of taking a risk with what may be the Etch A Sketch candidate of the future.”

Even Newt Gingrich did a double take on that one, tweeting, “Rick Santorum is dead wrong. Any GOP nominee will be better than Obama.”

The Etch A Sketch remark refers to an interview a Romney campaign aide gave on CNN where he made an unfortunate remark to the effect that “everything changes” for the fall campaign. “It’s almost like an Etch A Sketch. You can kind of shake it up and we start all over again.”

If youtake th eout of context remark to mean that all presidential candidates campaign towards the center once the primaries are over, it's the simple truth but poorly phrased, to say the least.

For Santorum to make statements like this is so far over the top its ridiculous.He obviously never heard of Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment.

For one thing, calling Mitt Romney 'just a little bit different' than President Obama is absolute lunacy, as is speculating that another four years like the ones we've just seen would be anything but disastrous for the country. For another, it's actually Rick Santorum who is a lot closer to President Obama..just from the other side of the spectrum. He's certainly not a conservative.

At this point, all but the diehards are urging him to think about quitting the race. I doubt he will, especially with the Louisiana primary coming up where Louisiana's Catholics can be expected to vote for him and he's favored to win.

Senator Santorum has proven on many levels that he's not ready for prime time. There's no way he can win, and the longer he stays in, the more he helps President Obama's effort for re-election. He needs to put the country ahead of his own ego and get out of the race.